Enhancing Mental Healthcare Compliance

Discover the vital role of expert guidance in maintaining rigorous compliance within the complex landscape of mental healthcare regulations. DLH Enterprises, LLC provides invaluable support in navigating critical aspects of the field, ensuring the highest standards of patient care and legal adherence.

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Case Story

Mother frantically calls DLH stating her 8 year old was placed on a 5585 legal detainment and transported to ER for a psych evaluation for a mental disorder. Son was certified as danger to self and danger to others for pointing a toy gun at his 6 year old sister because “she was pestering me when I was watching (tv show). Before mother called DLH, the family had sat in the ER for 12 hours. Psychiatrist was going to transfer the 8 year old boy to another psych facility for 3-7 days detainment against mother’s wishes. DLH partnered with mother over the speaker phone. Service provided: advocacy.

Outcome: Psychiatrist released the 8 year old boy to mother.

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